Proven Wrong About Many of Its Assertions, Is Psychiatry Bullsh*t?
September 23, 2016

Photo Credit: Olena Yakobchuk / Shutterstock
In the current issue of the journal Ethical Human Psychology and Psychiatry, Australian dissident psychiatrist Niall McLaren titles his article, “Psychiatry as Bullshit” and makes a case for just that.
great controversies in psychiatry are no longer about its
chemical-imbalance theory of mental illness or its DSM diagnostic
system, both of which have now been declared invalid even by the pillars
of the psychiatry establishment.
In 2011, Ronald Pies, editor-in-chief emeritus of the Psychiatric Times, stated,
“In truth, the ‘chemical imbalance’ notion was always a kind of urban
legend—never a theory seriously propounded by well-informed
psychiatrists.” And in 2013, Thomas Insel, then director of the National
Institute of Mental Health, offered a harsh rebuke of
the DSM, announcing that because the DSM diagnostic system lacks
validity, the “NIMH will be re-orienting its research away from DSM
So, the great controversy today has now become just how psychiatry can be most fairly characterized given its record of being proven wrong about
virtually all of its assertions, most notably its classifications of
behaviors, theories of “mental illness” and treatment
effectiveness/adverse effects.
Among critics, one of the gentlest characterizations of psychiatry is a “false narrative,” the phrase used by investigative reporter Robert Whitaker (who won the 2010 Investigative Reporters and Editors Book Award for Anatomy of an Epidemic) to describe the story told by the psychiatrists’ guild American Psychiatric Association.
“Psychiatry as Bullshit,” McLaren begins by considering several
different categories of “nonscience with scientific pretensions,” such
as “pseudoscience” and “scientific fraud.”
is commonly defined as a collection of beliefs and practices
promulgated as scientific but in reality mistakenly regarded as being
based on scientific method. The NIMH director ultimately rejected the
DSM because of its lack of validity, which is crucial to the scientific
method. In the DSM, psychiatric illnesses are created by an APA
committee, 69 percent of whom have financial ties to Big Pharma.
The criteria for DSM illness are not objective biological ones but
non-scientific subjective ones (which is why homosexuality was a DSM
mental illness until the early 1970s). Besides lack of scientific
validity, the DSM lacks scientific reliability,
as clinicians routinely disagree on diagnoses because patients act
differently in different circumstances and because of the subjective
nature of the criteria.
“Fraud” is a misrepresentation, a
deception intended for personal gain, and implies an intention to
deceive others of the truth—or “lying.” Drug companies, including those
that manufacture psychiatric drugs, have been convicted of fraud, as have high-profile psychiatrists (as well as other doctors). Human rights activist and attorney Jim Gottstein offers an argument as to why the APA is a “fraudulent enterprise”; however, the APA has not been legally convicted of fraud.
best characterize psychiatry, McLaren considers the category of
“bullshit,” invoking philosopher Harry Frankfurt’s 1986 journal article “On Bullshit” (which became a New York Times bestselling book in 2005).
Defining Bullshit
is the essence of bullshit? For Frankfurt, “This lack of connection to a
concern with truth—this indifference to how things really are—that I
regard as of the essence of bullshit.”
Frankfurt devotes a good deal of On Bullshit
to differentiating between a liar and a bullshitter. Both the liar and
the bullshitter misrepresent themselves, representing themselves as
attempting to be honest and truthful. But there is a difference between
the liar and the bullshitter.
The liar knows the truth, and the liar’s goal is to conceal it.
goal of bullshitters is not necessarily to lie about the truth but to
persuade their audience of a specific impression so as to advance their
agenda. So, bullshitters are committed to neither truths nor untruths,
uncommitted to neither facts nor fiction. It’s actually not in
bullshitters’ interest to know what is true and what is false, as that
knowledge can hinder their capacity to bullshit.
tells us that liar the hides that he or she is “attempting to lead us
away from a correct apprehension of reality.” In contrast, the
bullshitter hides that “the truth-values of his statements are of no
central interest to him.”
Are Psychiatrists Bullshitters?
establishment psychiatrist Pies' assertion: “In truth, the ‘chemical
imbalance’ notion was always a kind of urban legend—never a theory
seriously propounded by well-informed psychiatrists.” What Pies omits is
the reality that the vast majority of psychiatrists have been
promulgating this theory. Were they liars or simply not well-informed?
And if not well-informed, were they purposely not well-informed?
one wants to bullshit oneself and the general public that psychiatry is
a genuinely scientific medical specialty, there’s a great incentive to
be unconcerned with the truth or falseness of the chemical imbalance
theory of depression. Bullshitters immediately recognize how powerful
this chemical imbalance notion is in gaining prestige for their
profession and themselves as well as making their job both more
lucrative and easier, increasing patient volume by turning virtually all
patient visits into quick prescribing ones.
Prior to
the chemical imbalance bullshit campaign, most Americans were reluctant
to take antidepressants—or to give them to their children. But the idea
that depression is caused by a chemical imbalance that can be corrected
with Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor
antidepressants sounded like taking insulin for diabetes. Correcting a
chemical imbalance seemed like a reasonable thing to do, and so the use
of SSRI antidepressants skyrocketed.
In 2012, National
Public Radio correspondent Alix Spiegel began her piece about the
disproven chemical imbalance theory with the following personal story about being prescribed Prozac when she was a depressed teenager:
My parents took me to a psychiatrist at Johns Hopkins Hospital. She did an evaluation and then told me this story: “The problem with you," she explained, “is that you have a chemical imbalance. It’s biological, just like diabetes, but it’s in your brain. This chemical in your brain called serotonin is too, too low. There’s not enough of it, and that’s what’s causing the chemical imbalance. We need to give you medication to correct that.” Then she handed my mother a prescription for Prozac.
Spiegel discovered that the chemical imbalance theory was untrue, she
sought to discover why this truth had been covered up, and so she
interviewed researchers who knew the truth. Alan Frazer, professor of
pharmacology and psychiatry and chairman of the pharmacology department
at the University of Texas Health Sciences Center, told Spiegel that by
framing depression as a deficiency—something that needed to be returned
to normal—patients felt more comfortable taking antidepressants. Frazer
stated, “If there was this biological reason for them being depressed,
some deficiency that the drug was correcting, then taking a drug was
OK.” For Frazer, the story that depressed people have a chemical
imbalance enabled many people to come out of the closet about being
Frazer’s rationale reminds us of Edward Herman and Noam Chomsky’s book Manufacturing Consent, the title deriving from presidential adviser and journalist Walter Lippmann’s phrase
“the manufacture of consent”—a necessity for Lippmann, who believed
that the general public is incompetent in discerning what’s truly best
for them, and so their opinion must be molded by a benevolent elite who
does know what’s best for them.
There are some
psychiatrists who view the chemical imbalance theory as a well-meaning
lie by a benevolent elite to ensure resistant patients do what is best
for them, but my experience is that there are actually extremely few
such “well-meaning liars.” Most simply don’t know the truth because they
have put little effort in discerning it.
I believe
McLaren is correct in concluding that the vast majority of psychiatrists
are bullshitters, uncommitted to either facts or fiction. Most
psychiatrists would certainly have been happy if the chemical-imbalance
theory was true but obviously have not needed it to be true in order to
promulgate it. For truth seekers, the falseness of the chemical
imbalance theory has been easily available, but most psychiatrists have
not been truth seekers. It is not in the bullshitters’ interest to know
what is true and what is false, as that knowledge of what is a fact and
what is fiction hinders the capacity to use any and all powerful
persuasion. Simply put, a commitment to the truth hinders the capacity
to bullshit.
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